Shipping Rate Power Toy: Как упорядочить список тарифов на доставку на странице оформления заказа

Shipping Rate Power Toy: How to Order Your Shipping Rate List on the Checkout Page

For online stores powered by Shopify, every detail in the checkout process matters. One of the key points is the choice of shipping cost. Shipping Rate Power Toy offers an innovative solution that allows you to streamline your shipping rates on the checkout page.

What does the app do?

Shipping Rate Power Toy Provides stores with the ability to reorder shipping rates on the checkout page. You can organize your rates by price, name, rate code, or in any order of your choice.

Application Features:

  1. Order by Name/Title: Sort shipping rates by name for ease of reference.

  2. Individual ordering: If you have a particular preference or strategy you want to implement, please set a specific order of fare proposals .

  3. Increasing sales with better terms: Offer customers a preferred shipping method by placing it at the top of the list. This may encourage customers to choose more expensive or better shipping options for you.

How can this help your business?

  1. User Experience Improvement: Providing shoppers with a conveniently ordered list can make their shipping rate decision easier.

  2. Strategic promotion: By placing the most beneficial rates for your business on the top positions, you can increase their popularity and increase profit.

  3. Reduce Bounce Rates: Clearly presented shipping options can reduce the number of customers abandoning a purchase at checkout .


Shipping Rate Power Toy is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to optimize the checkout process on their Shopify site as much as possible. With it, you can not only improve the user experience, but also implement effective strategies for promoting your delivery services.